Monday, 19 March 2012

Day 17 - Sunday 18th March

Happy Mother's Day everyone

Happy mother's day everyone, I hope like me you are spoiling your mum. Sunday is officially my day of rest, in what I wear as much as what I do but today is slightly different.

My best friend Sara recently asked me to be godmother to her BEAUTIFUL baby boy, Jude something which I obviously said yes to, what an honour! Today is Jude’s welcoming into church before his christening next month. This meant I needed to suit and boot myself for the service which I like to think I achieved with a navy blue jersey dress and cream blazer, nicely conservative and demure. 

My glamorous Sunday look was short lived however as after church (which really was a lovely service) I was in my kitchen making  Mars bar fridge cake  and cooking a roast beef Sunday dinner for the whole family. I’m well aware self praise is no praise but let’s just say there wasn’t anything left on plate in the kitchen and a small fight broke out over the last Yorkshire pudding. I call that a success.

As soon as dinner was over, it was time to get comfy on the couch and watch the match. Granted, not the most exciting Mother’s Day activity but was something everyone actually wanted to do, unlike play Articulate which still upsets me slightly.

For this I was wearing my more suitable Sunday day attire of my rather attractive black spotty and very fluffy tracksuit. Yes, I am from Liverpool and yes, stereotypes state we wear these every day but I only wear mine in the house, usually on a Sunday or a hangover Saturday.  Arguable one of the best £5 I’ve ever spent.

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